Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rangaji Temple Vrindavan

Rangaji Temple Vrindavan


This temple is dedicated to Sri Ranganatha (Lord Vishnu), as is the famous temple in Sri Rangam. Also worshiped here is Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. There are many side temples including ones dedicated to the Alwars (Tamil Nadu Vaishnava saints), Sesa-sayi Ananta Sayanam with Lord Vishnu reclining on him, and Tirupati Balaji.

The construction of this temple began in 1845 and was completed in 1851, at the cost of 45 lakhs (4.5 million) rupees. It was built by Seth Radha Krishna and Seth Govindadasa of Chennai (Madras). This is the biggest temple in Vrindavana. The outer wall is 231m (770 ft) by 132m (440 ft). This wall encloses a nice tank and garden. This temple has eight South Indian style gopurams.

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