Showing posts with label Gaudiya Vaishnava temple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaudiya Vaishnava temple. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sri Krishna-Balaram Temple is a Gaudiya Vaishnava temple in the holy city of Vrindavan

Krishna and Balram

Sri Krishna-Balaram Mandir is a Gaudiya Vaishnava

temple in the holy city of



It is one of the main ISKCON temples in India and internationally


Balarama, the elder brother of Srikrishna was one
of the ten incarnations of Vishnu as stated by
Bhagabat and other Puranas. His father was
Vasudeva of Yadu clan but he had two mothers
Devaki and Rohini. Maharaja Kamsa, the king
of Mathura killed all the six issues of his sister
Devaki as one of her sons was to kill him
according to some forecast. So Goddess
Yogamaya had made some miracle for her seventh
issue, while Devaki was pregnant. Yogamaya
extracted the foetus from the uterus of Devaki
while she was eight months pregnant and placed
it inside the uterus of Rohini. Rohini at that time
hide herself in Nanda's house at Gopa for the fear
of demon Kamsa.