Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea Rose

Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea Rose

Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea Rose

A very well-known hybrid tea. Long pointed buds open into large, well-formed, long stemmed, fully double 4" blooms (petals 24+) of velvety, deep red. The velvety texture of the bloom is almost unbelievable. 'Mr. Lincoln' has outstandingly strong damask fragrance that seduces the senses. A vigorous, tall, upright continual blooming bush with dark green foliage


  1. Love the whole rose - it is interesting that many people look for more that picturesque in a rose isn't it

  2. A DYNAMIC shot, and what a coincidence. I just had the first bloom on my Mr. Lincoln rose bush bloom this week!
