Sunday, May 25, 2014

Topaz Jewell Rose Flower

Topaz Jewell Rose Flower

Topaz Jewell Rose Flower

Alos known as the "Yellow Frau Dagmar Hastrup,"  this is one of the few, if only, repeat blooming yellow roses of the rugosa family, which are known for their cold hardiness, disease resistance, and fragrance.  This bush benefits from a harder pruning than what most rugosas need.  The shrub can kept anywhere between 2 to 5 feet high, and can get 7 feet wide if you let it. Beautiful medium yellow open faced blossoms have approximately 20 petals and they have a strong fragrance with a clove scent, similar to Hansa.  Not as vigorous as most rugosas to start.  Once established, they can be pruned regularly to half their size.  This rose is a descendent of Belle Poitevine and Golden Angel.

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