Thursday, May 29, 2014

Types of Carnation Flower

Types of Carnations

Carnation cultivars are mainly of three types:

  • Large flowered Carnations - one large flower per stem.

Large flowered Carnations


  • Spray Carnations (Mini Carnations) - with lots of smaller flowers.

Spray Carnations


  • Dwarf flowered Carnations - several small flowers on one stem.

Dwarf flowered Carnations

1 comment:

  1. Especially loved the first photo, Vikey. It just explodes off of my screen in vibrant colors. I worked in a greenhouse for a summer where carnations were grown. To get the largest blooms, only one tall stem was allowed to grow for each plant, with all its energy going into one bloom. We spent hours pinching off all side stems and buds to create that one stem.
